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Wireless Remote Healthcare

Imagine a patient at home with COVID-19 positive result but very light simptoms. This person can stay at home. But you need to have some medical control. From a computer or mobile device you can observe some basic parameters and verify the evolution of the patient.

Now what if you have 100 patients in an hospital. Again not patients wich requires intensive care but still supervision.
From a central monitoring room you can control this patients observing their Temperature, Heart Rate and Oxigen SPO2. This way you keep close control of patients and minimize the exposition of health care profesionals.   

Simple Battery operated Wireless device

The device is composed of four parts. Temprature Sensor, Hear-Rate SPO2 Sensor, Wireless Module, Battery Module.
The Wireless Module, Temperature Sensor and Battery module are arranged in a balt wich is placed on the patients chest. The Heart Rate and SPO2 sensor is placed on the finger and connected with a cable to the Wireless Module.

Easy to Fit Wearable Device

The Wireless Module, Temperature Sensor and Battery module are arranged in a belt wich is placed on the patients chest. The Heart Rate and SPO2 sensor is placed on the finger and connected with a cable to the Wireless Module.

Data On the Cloud

Our Specially designed gateway receives the information from the patients device and store is on the cloud for further visualization, monitoring and analisys. 
No matter if you want to use Cellular 3G/4G, WiFi or Ethernet, we have the required sollution.

Soluciones IoT Inalambricas

Soluciones de Tele Salud

Temperatura Corporal - Ritmo Cardiaco Oxigeno - SPO2

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Wireless IoT Solutions

Wireless Remote Health

Wireless Monitoring and Control

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